Not one thought, not one woman, not one man, not one coin... for the war

Meeting of conscientious objectors - Studenica, May 5-7, 2000

The permanent creation of hate, war, graves, and misery by the nationalist-militarist regime of Serbia has converted the majority of citizens into hostages, victims, and accomplices all at once—into helpless creatures who have lost hope in change and the value of small acts of civil disobedience.

Men who did not want to take part in the wars all these years were, and stayed, invisible; their problems were reduced to a personal, individual, family problem. We consider that this form of violence is not a personal, invisible problem, but a political-social problem that should become visible and should be solved as such.


Men who do not want to go to war, who do not want to report to military exercises, are men who want civil alternatives military service; they search only for their constitutional right, and they do not agree be hostages of the regime. They want to be responsible citizens. Nevertheless, militarism cannot be reduced only to the armed forces and military service.

Militarism permeates all institutions—school, family, cultural institutions, and almost all relationships. Militarism is a form of control over people, both men and women. Militarism is also beliefs and behaviors based on hierarchy, military discipline, ado­ration of the fatherland, obedience, blind execution of orders, homophobia, xeno­phobia, and chauvinism.

More than a decade of nationalist and militaristic ideology and praxis has taken away the possibility of choice. That is why we want to create a space where we can have control over our lives. That is why we want to motivate others to fight for conscientious objection as a basic human right.

This meeting is also one of the "small" steps in our alternative policy of changing ourselves and changing the environment in which we live.


Besides the demand for conscientious objection as a basic human right, we want to act together for the demilitarization of the mind, to influence the change of the patriarchal mentality; we want to create values different from those that predominate around us.

We want to create a solidarity net­work of objectors, to motivate a culture of peace and non-violence.


Friday, May 5, 2000 Arrival of partici­pants

Saturday, May 6, 2000 10:00-12:00: About conscientious objection—experi­ences and praxis in different countries (Europe, Latin America, United States, etc.).

16:00-19:00: Themes—hate of the Other/difference, fabrication of war (about prejudices and stereotypes, dis­counting the logic of war).

21:00: Party—"Live to Resist—Don't Die for Utopia."

Sunday, May 7, 2000 10:00-11:00: Dynamic game "About National Heroes and Military Values."

11:00-13:00: Debate, agreement of com­mon actions for May 15, International Day of Conscientious Objection

All participants are housed in the "Studenica" residence, in rooms of two and four people.

Women in Black will be covering expenses for meals, thanks to the solid support from the Women in Black of Spain.

Note: The meeting will take place in an area 200 km southeast of Belgrade, near the medieval monastery "Studenica." We have chosen this pace for its tranquility and for the idea of decentralization, so that people from all over Serbia, Vojvodina, Sandzak, and Montenegro can attend. At the moment there is much interest. Women and men will come (mostly young people) from many parts of Serbia, but we would like the number of attendants to not exceed 50 persons. Women in Black is organizing this meeting in collaboration with several groups and people, in participation with the young people of "DRK" from Kraljevo.

Antimilitarist and solidarity greetings,
Women in Black
Belgrade, April 22, 2000