Statement regarding terror over punk-feminist collective Pussy Riot.

With feminist action "Freedom for Pussy Riot", which we organize on 12th of September, 2012., at 12 o 'clock, in front of embassy of Russian Federation (32 Deligradska Str., in Belgrade) we want to express our deepest bitterness regarding terror over members of artistic feminist collective "Pussy Riot" from Mosqow.

We are admiring artistic-ethical-political act of "Pussy Riot". We do support unconditionally their nonviolent resistance and disobedience to totalitarian-clerical-criminal regime of Vladimir Putin, in conjunction with Russian Orthodox church and criminal oligarchs.

We join actions of solidarity and demands for deliberation of all of free thinking individuals, organizations, collectives from Russia and all over the planet.

We remind you that three members of this collective (Nadežda Tolonikova, 22, Marija Aljohina, 24, and Jekaterina Samucevič, 29) are sentenced only because they have expressed their disagreement with tyrant Putin and fundamentalist Russian Orthodox church through so called punk prayer "Holly Mother, dispel Putin". After the mentioned nonviolent performance which they have carried out on 21st of February in the Temple of Saint Christ in Mosqow, they were arrested immediately. The trial in the style of the darkest years of the Stalinist purges, ended on 17th of August, when the court in Moscow sentenced them with terrifying sentence of two years in prison for so-called "Hooliganism driven by religious hatred".

Totalitarian and criminal regime of V. Putin, announced the continuation of reprisals against other members of "Pussy Riot". It is more than obvious that this process is the introduction of new political trials against the opposition, leaders of non-violent civil movements. Putin's regime and his policy of terror, destroys any attempt to create space for the other, liberal voices, seduces total control over all forms of communication and criminalize solidarity. In short, life is in danger, not only all the other members of "Pussy Riot" collective but all free thinking citizens of Russia, who nonviolently, publicly and in a responsible way express their dissent and demand of the government of the Russian Federation immediate release of "Pussy Riot" innocent prisoners and termination of revench and terror against those who peacefully express their views and different political attitudes.

We demand immediate release of prisoners - "Pussy Riot" members innocent of the government of Russian Federation and end of the terror and revench against all those who peacefully express their thoughts and different political views.

6th of September, 2012.
Women in Black, Belgrade.