On the occasion of Women Human Rights Defenders' Day, Women in Black will organize a protest rally 'Stop the repression of human rights defenders' on 29th November 2014, from 6 to 7 p.m. in Knez Mihailova Street, in front of the restaurant 'The Russian Tsar'.

Under the provisions of the numerous international conventions signed by the Republic of Serbia, which were brought by the United Nations and the European Union, the state of Serbia has undertaken the obligation to protect all the individuals, and all the organizations and groups pledging for recognition and protection of human rights worldwide. Furthermore, the state has thus committed to ensure safe and unimpeded activities of these courageous and conscientious citizens.

We demand that the state of Serbia:
- Sanction hate speech as well as fascist groups' hate crimes.
- Process accountable individuals, government and non-government actors calling for violence and committing acts of violence against Women in Black. - Ensure uninterrupted work and activities of Women in Black on promotion of human rights, peace and justice.

Let us remind of the fact that Women in Black is a group who, ever since its inception in 1991, and due to our opposition to war and war crimes and constant struggle for human rights, have been confronted with diverse forms of repression, both on the administrative – state level, and on the socio-cultural plane.
This repression has been particularly intensive after the Women in Black protest rally "We remember the Kosovo crimes", held on 26th March 2014. It was followed by a call for lynch by the spokesperson of the Ministry of the Interior of Serbia Radomir Počuča, a protest rally of the fascist organization 'Srpski sabor Zavetnici' ('Serbian Assembly the Pledgers') in front of the building where Women in Black premises are located, calling for the eviction, murder and extermination of Women in Black, the attack against Women in Black in Valjevo, the verbal assault at Staša Zajović, and permanent threats launched through social networks.

These attacks against Women in Black are not merely sporadic episodes or incidents. They constitute a source of insecurity for the activists and are aimed at targeting these women human rights defenders and obstructing their engagement in the protection of human rights. Also, the objective of the repression is to silence voices of criticism in Serbia, to vilify the activists and to isolate women human rights defenders from the rest of the population.

The representatives of the competent state institutions of Serbia have failed to undertake any measures so as to protect Women in Black activists from the attacks of fascist organizations, groups and individuals. Therefore, we demand once again that the state of Serbia uphold its proper laws, as well as the international conventions it has joined.

Women in Black
29th November 2014