Activity report for the period May - Avgust 2024

As we have done in the past, we are providing you with a short report on the activities of Women in Black in the reporting period.

We would like to thank you in advance, in solidarity.

Street actions: In this reporting period we organized seven (7) events,and we also actively participated in other street actions
- commemoration/marking important dates of crimes committed in our names;
- Feminist, anti-fascist, anti-war, anti-racist, anti-militaristic actions...

Commemoration / marking of important dates of crimes committed in our name, as well as other crimes against civilian population, during and after wars, in the territory of the former Yugoslavia:

May 24th, Kruševac “We Remember the Brave Resistance of Women!” - Women’s organization “Peščanik” from Kruševac and Women in Black, Belgrade marked the 25th anniversary of the women’s protest against forced mobilization in 1999. By this peace action, organized on the occasion of May 24th – International Day of Women’s Action for Peace and Disarmament, activists recalled the courageous resistance of women to mobilization and war in Kosovo. 

Once again, on this occasion, a request was sent to the state of Serbia and the local administration in the Rasina District to declare May 24 as the Day of Remembrance of the May protests and brave resistance of the citizens of Kruševac and the Rasina District.

The following banners were displayed during the vigil:

In this action thirty (30) female activists from Kruševac, Belgrade, Trsteniuk, Kragujevac, Lubiana/Slovenia participated.

Belgrade, June 19 “We remember war raped women!” – On the occasion of June 19 – International Day of Struggle against Sexual Violence in War, Women in Black and the Autonomous Women’s Center organized a protest in mourning and silence.

The following banners were displayed during the vigil:

In this action took part 15 activists.

Belgrade, July 10, 2024  We shall never forget the Srebrenica genocide!-On the occasion of the 29th anniversary of the genocide in Srebrenica, Women in Black organized a protest in mourning and silence on July 10, 2024, in Republic Square in Belgrade.

The following banners were displayed at the protest:

More than fi fty (51) activists from Belgrade participated in the protest, as well as activists from the Women in Black Network from Leskovac, Vlasotince, Kraljevo, Kruševac.

Feminist, anti-fascist, anti-war, anti-racist, anti-militarist actions...

Report on our activities in pdf.