Always disobedient, and still in the streets...
Women in black - 30 years of resistance
9th october 1991 we took to the streets of Belgrade for the first time - that is when we began non- violent resistance to the war and the policies of the Serbian regime. So far, we have organized about 2,500 street actions. We are still in the streets ...
Women in Black / WiB is an activist group and network of feminist-anti-militarist orientation, consisting of women, but also men of different generational and ethnic backgrounds, educational levels, social status, lifestyles and sexual choices.
Critical Review of the Invitation Extended to Aleksandar Vučić in Brussels
Dear Mr. Rutte,
We, the survivors of the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, have received with deep concern the news that you have invited Aleksandar Vučić to Brussels. As a former Minister of Information in Slobodan Milošević’s regime - a regime that systematically spread hatred and incited violence - Vučić represents an ideology that led to the worst crimes on European soil since World War II.
During the siege of Sarajevo, Vučić actively gathered intelligence for Milošević while the citizens of the city were subjected to daily shelling and sniper fire. To this day, the names of the snipers who murdered civilians in Sarajevo have not been made public, even though their identities are known. Survivors from Sarajevo, Foča, and other parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina are still waiting for justice. Instead of insisting on accountability, the international community continues to legitimize those who enabled and justified such crimes.
We shall never forget the Srebrenica genocide!
On the occasion of the 29th anniversary of the genocide in Srebrenica, Women in Black organized a protest in mourning and silence on July 10, 2024, in Republic Square in Belgrade.
The following banners were displayed at the protest:
- We shall never forget the genocide in Srebrenica!
- Solidarity
- Responsibility
- Women in Black and Srebrenica
- Srebrenica 8372
- July 11 – Remembrance Day for the genocide in Srebrenica – Proclaim it!
Ulična akcija povodom obeležavanja 18. maja – Dana sećanja na žene žrtve nasilja
#Pamtimo ubijene žene!
Trg ispred Narodne skupštine Republike Srbije
petak, 17. maj 2024. godine, od 13h do 14h
Autonomni ženski centar, Žene u crnom i Ženska solidarnost vas pozivaju da se pridružite akciji obeležavanja Dana sećanja na žene žrtve nasilja, koja će se održati u petak, 17. maja 2024. godine, od 13h do 14h, na Trgu ispred Narodne skupštine Republike Srbije.
Stop ratu u Ukrajini! Stop ratu na Bliskom Istoku!
Povodom dve godine od početka ruske agresije na Ukrajinu, kao i izraelske agresije na Gazu, Žene u crnom su organizovale stajanje u crnini i ćutanju, u Knez Mihailovoj ulici u Beogradu.
Protest je organizovan 24.02.2024. godine u Knez Mihailovoj ulici.
Na protestu su bili istaknuti sledeći transparenti na različitim jezicima:
- Stop okupaciji
- Stop genocidu u Gazi
- Stop ubijanju Gaze
- Stop ratu na Bliskom istoku
- Stop ratu u Ukrajini
- Žene u crnom protiv rata
- Mir
- Putin – ubica
- Putin – ratni zločinac
- Aleksej Navaljni - pamtimo
29. novembar – Dan Republike – Naš dan!
Drugarsko veče
Žene u crnom, u saradnji sa antifašističkim aktivistkinjama i aktivistima, kulturnim radnicima/ama organizovale su na Dan Republike drugarsko veče i priredbu povodom 80 godina AVNOJ-a. Priredba se održava 29. novembra 2022. godine u prostorijama Žena u crnom. Ovom događaju prisustvovalo je tridesetak (30) osoba iz Beograda, kao i gosti iz Osijeka/Hrvatska i Skopja, Makedonija. Ovaj događaj je organizovan zato što:
- Slavimo i poštujemo antifašističko nasleđe iz N0B-a,
- Slavimo život Jugoslavije, vrednujemo iskustvo kulturnog stvaralaštva, jer Jugoslavije nije muzejski artefakt već deo proživljenog socijalističkog iskustva koji se ne može zatvoriti u prošlost,
- Afirmišemo vrednosti antifašizma i internacionalističke solidarnosti...
Nikada nećemo zaboraviti zločine u Vukovaru
Povodom godišnjice pada Vukovara, Žene u crnom su organizovale stajanje u crnini i ćutanju, 18.11.2023. godine, na Trgu Republike u Beogradu.
Na stajanju su bili istaknuti sledeći transparenti:
- Nikada nećemo zaboraviti zločine u Vukovaru
- Solidarnost
- Odgovornost
- Vukovar 1991-2023: JNA je držala pod opsadom Vukovar 87 dana; Ubijeno je više od 1.000 civila, a ranjeno je oko 25.000, a nesrpsko stanovništvo je proterano; Na Ovčari je ubijeno više od 200 bolesnih i ranjenih zarobljenika iz vukovarske bolnice; U urbicidu je razoren skoro čitav grad; Kroz logore u Srbiji (Aleksinac, Begejci, Beograd, Niš, Sremska Mitrovica, Stajićevo) prošlo je više hiljada zaarobljenika/ca
Skupština grada Zrenjanina
Komisiji za utvrđivanje naziva trgova i ulica
Z r e n j a n i n
Trg slobode 10
Predmet: Zahtev za postavljanje spomen ploče na mestu logora u Stajićevu
Poštovani gradonačelniče,
Poštovani predsedniče Skupštine grada Zrenjanina
Poštovane članice i članovi Komisije,
Poštovani odbornici i odbornice Skupštine grada Zrenjanina
Stop ratu u Ukrajini!
Povodom rata u Ukrajini, Žene u crnom su organizovale stajanje u crnini i ćutanju, 26. jula 2023. godine u Knez Mihailovoj ulici u Beogradu.
Na stajanju su bili istaknuti sledeći transparenti:
- Stop ratu u Ukrajini! (na srpskom, engleskom, ukrajinskom i ruskom jeziku)
- Putin = ratni zločinac
- Vulin – Putinov agent, progoni Ruse u Beogradu – Dosta!
Na stajanju je učestvovalo oko 15 aktivistkinja i aktivista.
"Nikada nećemo zaboraviti genocid u Srebrenici"
Beograd, 10. jul 2023.
Povodom 28. godišnjice genocida u Srebrenici, Žene u crnom su, na Trgu Republike u Beogradu, održale u crnini i ćutanju mirovnu akciju pod parolom “Nikada nećemo zaboraviti genocid u Srebrenici” koja se sastojala iz sledećih elemenata:
- Instaliranja simboličkog/živog memorijala – nastavak izgradnje spomenika žrtvama srebreničkog genocida nakon što su odbijeni su naši višegodišnji zahtevi da se odobri izgradnja trajnog spomenika žrtvama genocida u Srebrenici u Beogradu. Aktivisti/kinje su držali crno platno/crni flor - simbol bola i žalosti - sa natpisom 'Nikada nećemo zaboraviti genocid u Srebrenici', kao i transparente: Solidarnost – Srebrenica – Žene u crnom“ i Odgovornost.
Women’s Court: feminist approach to justice – Foča case
Women’s Court - a space for women's testimonies on their experiences of injustice suffered during the war and in peace - instead of objects of injustice and violence, women become subjects of justice.
Women’s Court – feminist approach to justice – makes visible the continuity of injustice and violence against women, both in war and in peace, both in the private and in the public spheres; discloses the intertwining and interconnectedness of all forms of violence and its impact on women; makes visible the continuous resistance of women to war, sexism, militarism, nationalism.
Everything for peace, health and knowledge, nothing for weapons
Women in Black organized an anti-militaristic-feminist action on June 7, 2023 in Knez Mihailova (near the Russian Tsar) from 16:00-16:30. The action was organized as part of the International Action Network on Small Arms Week /IANS.
The following banners were displayed at the protest:
- Everything for peace, health and knowledge, nothing for weapons
- Stop the violence
- Stop the weapons
- Women in Black against militarism
Pamtimo žene Foče
Povodom 19. juna – Međunarodnog dana borbe protiv seksualnog nasilja u ratu, Žene u crnom i Autonomni ženski centar organizovale su stajanje u crnini i ćutanju Pamtimo žene Foče, na Trgu Republike u Beogradu, 17. juna 2022. godine.
Na protestu su bili istaknuti sledeći transparenti:
- 19. jun – Međunarodni dan borbe protiv seksualnog nasilja u ratu
- Pamtimo žene Foče
- Pamtimo žene silovane u ratu
Stop the war in Ukraine!
On the occasion of the war in Ukraine, Women in Black organized a protest in mourning and silence, on April 13, 2022 in Knez Mihailova Street.
The following banners were displayed at the protest:
- Women in Black against the war
- For all the victims of the war
- Solidarnost sa mirovnim pokretom u Rusiji i Ukrajini / Solidarity with peace movement in Russia and Ukraine /
- Stop ratu u Ukrajini! Stop the war in Ukraine!
- Stop the Russian aggression on Ukraine
- Stop the occupation of Ukraine / зупиніть окупацiю україни!/Остановите оккупацию Украины!
Stop the war in Ukraine!
On March 16th 2022 at 13:00, Women in Black organizes a vigil in silence and mourning “Stop the war in Ukraine” in Knez Mihailova Street (in front of Ruski car).
Occupying troops of the Russian Federation have been carrying out barbaric attacks on Ukraine since February 24, 2022. Invasion troops, criminally besieging cities, deprive civilians of water, electricity, medicine, food and destroy civilian infrastructure - hospitals, schools, all places of vital importance… Due to humanitarian catastrophe, terror and fear, over 2.8 million people from Ukraine sought refuge by fleeing neighboring countries. The war in Ukraine threatens to jeopardize the all too fragile world peace, and Putin's imperialist militarist campaign involves the danger of resorting to nuclear weapons.
Stop the war in Ukraine!
On the occasion of the war in Ukraine, Women in Black organized protest in black and silent, on March 5, 2022 in Knez Mihailova Street in Belgrade.
The following banners were displayed during this protest, which were written in Serbian, English, Russian and Ukrainian.
- Žene u crnom protiv rata
- Solidarnost sa mirovnim pokretom u Rusiji i Ukrajini/Solidarity with peace movement in Russia and Ukraine
- Stop ratu u Ukrajini/Stop the war in Ukraine/Остановите войну в Украине!
- Putine, dalje ruke od Ukrajine/Putin, keep your hands from Ukraine
- Stop ruskoj agresiji na Ukrajinu
- Stop okupaciji Ukrajine/зупиніть окупацiю україни!/Остановите оккупацию Украины!
- Podržavamo ruske dezertere/We support russian’s deserters
- Podržavamo beloruske dezertere/We support belarusian deserters
- Dajte šansu miru/Give peace a chance
“War always returns home” or on the continuity of sexual violence in war and in peace…
Sexual violence in wars was generally treated as an incidental occurrence or ‘collateral damage’. Invisibility and impunity for sexual crimes dominate peace agreements - justice for victims of sexual violence (mainly through sanctions and prosecutions) has not been included in peace agreements. UN Resolution 1325 (Women, Peace, Security, 2000) did not make progress in terms of women's participation in peace processes and agreements. Subsequent UN resolutions on sexual violence in war did not affect the reduction of sexual crimes in war zones. ‘Blue helmets’ (the so-called UN humanitarian armies in war affected areas) enjoyed immunity and committed sexual crimes with impunity; owing to pressure by feminist networks, immunity to ‘blue helmets’ was lifted (2016), but this did not bring justice to victims of sexual crimes (BH, etc.).
We will never forget the Srebrenica genocide!
On 10th July 2021, on the 26th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide, Women in Black held a protest under the slogan “We will never forget the Srebrenica genocide” in Republic Square in Belgrade.
In mourning and silence, the scenic action “Srebrenica – the name of genocide” was performed, consisting of the following elements:
We will never forget the crimes in Vukovar!
On the occasion of the anniversary of the fall of Vukovar, Women in Black organized a standing in silence wearing black in Knez Mihailova Street in Belgrade, on November 18, 2020.
The following banners were displayed at the commemoration:
- We will never forget the crimes in Vukovar
- Banner with a picture of the destroyed city and information about the suffering
- Solidarity
- Responsibility
Stop the abortion ban in Poland!
On the occasion of the current political situation in Poland - the initiative to ban abortion in the case of fetal malformations, Women in Black organized a protest wearing black and in silence in front of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Belgrade, on October 28, 2020.
Stop fascism!
On the occasion of November 9 - the International Day against Fascism and Anti-Semitism, Women in Black, in cooperation with the Alliance of Anti-Fascists of Serbia, organized an anti-faction Stop Fascism, on November 9, 2020.
The action was organized on the Republic Square in Belgrade, and about 30 people attended.
The following banners were displayed at the protest:
- Stop fascism!
- Women in black against fascism
- The song First They Came... by German Pastor Martin Niemoller
- Democracy was born in Greece - we defend democracy in Greece with anti-fascism!
Visit to refugees / migrants, Pljevlja, Montenegro
April 2019
Visit to refugees / migrants, Pljevlja, Montenegro
February 2019
Visit to refugees / migrants in Sid
February 1st 2019
Kristallnacht and barbed wire – permanent mark of Europe?
Antifascist action, Belgrade November 9th 2018
On the occasion of the November 9th - the International Day Against Fascism and Anti-Semitism, Women in Black, the Youth Initiative for Human Rights, the Anti-Fascist Union of Serbia and the Autonomous Women's Center, organized the anti-fascist / anti-racist action called Kristallnacht and Barbed Wire - permanent mark of Europe.
The protest was held on November 9th, 2018 in Knez Mihailova Street, Belgrade.
Visit to refugees / migrants in Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
December 11th 2018
Solidarity with Refugees / Migrants in Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
November 2018
Solidary visit to the refugees
October 28th 2018.
Šid – solidary visit to the refugees at the border between Serbia and Croatia
October 18th, 2018
Solidary visit to the refugees in the Belgrade parks
October 17th, 2018
How to survive on the streets of Belgrade
(refugees / migrants in Belgrade)
Visit to refugees / migrants - Bihac, BH
September 2nd-3rd 2018
"There is no place for refugees"
There we did not saw anyone on the way to the border, and at the border crossing.
Since Hungary has closed its border (three years ago), there are no refugees anymore.
Sport center Sport
Solidarity with Refugees / Migrants!
On the occasion of the June 20th - World Refugee Day, we want to point out on the difficult situation for refugees / migrants around the world. We are witnesses of the open war of the European governments against refugees / migrants.
Militarization of borders, fences and barbed wire, terror of the police against refugees / migrants, illegal deportations, abandoning the people in danger who are trying to reach European coasts, which turned the Mediterranean into a mass grave with thousands of victims, all these are the consequences of the catastrophic policies of European countries.
We remember women raped in war!
Foča, June 19, 2018
CRY FOR THE TRUTH, JUSTICE AND PLACE OF REMEMBRANCE - A woman reporter from Danas newspaper with Women in Black at the protest in Foca on the International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict
We remember women raped in the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina!