Women’s Court – feminist approach – activities report for 2023

Women's Court - a feminist approach to justice

We bring a brief report on the activities of Women in Black regarding the organization of the Women's Court - a feminist approach to justice in this period. Should you be interested in more information, you can find it on our www.zeneucrnom.org and www.zenskisud.org or contact us by mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The first Women's Court in the territory of Europe was held in Sarajevo, May 7 to May 10, 2015, organized by 10 women's groups from the territory of the former Yugoslavia (Mothers of the Srebrenica and Žepa Enclaves, Cure Foundation, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Center for Women Victims of War, Center for Women's Studies, Zagreb, Croatia, Center for Women and Peace Education Anima, Kotor, Montenegro, Gender Equality Council, Skopje, Macedonia, Women's Lobby, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Center for Women's Studies and Women in Black, Belgrade, Serbia). The Women's Court was attended by more than 500 people from all the countries of the former Yugoslavia, but also from Argentina, Algeria, Palestine, Israel, the United States, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, etc.

The final event in Sarajevo was not the end of the process, but on the contrary, an incentive to continue from the feminist perspective towards the creation of new models of justice. It is an obligation first of all to the witnesses, but also the expression of our responsibility towards the enormous burden of the recent past.

In continuation of the Women's Court, Women in Black, Belgrade coordinates the program and other activities, with the support of organizations: Anima, Kotor (Montenegro), Center for Women Victims of War, Zagreb (Croatia), The Foundation CURE, Sarajevo (Bosnia & Herzegovina), and some members of the former Organizing Committee of the Women's Court continue to participate sporadically (Council for Equality, Skopje, Macedonia), while the other members support the process without active participation.

During this reporting period, the following activities were organized – chronological review:

Public presentation of Women’s Court – Osijek/Croatia, January, 18

At the Faculty of Philosophy (Esthetic Laboratory), a public presentation of the W’sC was held, in the presence of about fifty (50) male and students. Boško Pešić, Head of the Aesthetics Laboratory and head of the Department of Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy in Osijek, emphasized that the discussion about the Women's Court for the former Yugoslavia "should serve not only for the commemorative purpose of reminding the victims of violence, but as a living reminder - so that it would never happen again".

Organizers: Nela Pamuković, Center for Women Victims of War, Zagreb, Marijana Senjak, feminist therapist at W’sC from Zagreb, and Staša Zajović, WiB, Belgrade, spoke about the Women's Court, the feminist approach to justice, the history, the process of organizing and the effects of the W’sC.

Women's court - a feminist approach to justice (52 minutes) - screening of a documentary film directed by Filip Markovinović, produced by Women in Black. The film is about the Women's Court held in Sarajevo (May 7-10, 2015).

Witnesses at W’sC spoke about the importance of W’sC for them and their struggle for justice:

Marica Šeatović, Novska, Croatia: "The Women's Court meant a lot to me. I went through all the state courts in Croatia, and I was never treated as I was at the W’sC in Sarajevo: there I had freedom of speech and great support from female activists and associates. The Women's Court greatly strengthened me. I am still active today." The trial for the murder of the closest family members of Marica Šeatović was held, but the defendants were acquitted. Only recently, thirty years after the crime, Šeatović exercised her right to financial compensation in accordance with the Law on Civilian Victims of War. "That is all my satisfaction for this fight of 30 years. But I will not surrender," said Marica.

Milica Miladinović, Zagreb: "The Women's Court strengthened me, it gave me strength and courage to persevere. For fifteen years I have been suing the state and the man who occupied my house, demanding that I pay him 40 thousand euros! In my case, the adage that justice is slow but attainable proved to be true. I got my home back. There were many difficult situations, painful, but it was worth it. Today, I am ready to help anyone". 

Regional meeting of W’sC - Women's peace encounters - towards the organization of the Women's Court

This meeting held in Sarajevo on February 17 and 18, was attended by 29 women from 15 places, namely from Bosnia and Herzegovina (Foča, Sarajevo, Bratunac, Jablanica, Đulići, Tuzla, Višegrad, Bihać), Montenegro (Kotor and Pljevlja); Croatia (Novska and Zagreb) and Serbia (Belgrade and Prijepolje).

Initiatives related to transitional justice - regional and international level

RECOM - The experiences, challenges and obstacles of Rekom were discussed by: Nela Pamuković, Zagreb, Marica Šeatović, Novska, Sabina Talović, Pljevlja.

Commissions for truth, reconciliation, reparation in Latin America - the case of Chile (Staša Z.)

Women's initiatives for peace in Africa (City of Joy - Congo) and Latin America - "Women's Commission for Truth and Memories in Colombia" (Mira Vilušić and Staša Zajović).

On sexual violence - experiences from international conferences (London, November 2022, which was discussed by Nela Pamuković and Marijana Senjak, Zagreb.

Models of reparation for victims of sexual violence in war - a comparative overview: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo (Marijana and Nela). 

Feminist ethics of care: My sources of strength - a workshop moderated by Marijana Senjak.

Milk of Sorrow, (95 min.): a feature film by director Carmen Llosa about sexual violence against women during the internal conflict between the left-wing guerrilla Sendero luminoso and the armed forces of Peru; translation and subtitles by WiB.

On experiences of sexual violence in the war – testimonies by women from Foča, who live in Sarajevo.

About symbolic reparations - about the concept, content, practices... (Staša)

Symbolic reparations with a focus on the war crime of rape - international and regional experiences in the field of engaged art and performances about those actions in: Kosovo, Colombia, South Korea, as well as documentaries about the street actions of WiB dedicated to women victims of sexual violence during the war are shown in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Towards the organization of the Women's Court - the case of Foča - the following preparatory activities were held:

Tuzla/Bosnia and Herzegovina, May 5 and 6 - meeting/operational meeting, and within the continuation of the Women's Court process - feminist approach and preparatory activities towards the organization of the Women's Court on the war crime of rape - the case of Foča.

The meeting was organized by Women in Black, Belgrade in cooperation with the NGO Novi horizonti, Tuzla, and the participants were: Halida Konjo Uzunović, Ilvana Konjo, Zenija Hajdarević, Foča/Sarajevo, Kemalemir Frašto/Frashto (zoom from USA); Edina Karić, Tuzla, witness at the Women's Court, Mira Vilušić and Merima Skokić, Horizonti, Tuzla, WiB activists from Belgrade (Violeta Đikanović and Staša Zajović) and Sanja Pavlović (Autonomous Women's Center/AWC, Belgrade).

Among the activities at this working meeting, we highlight:

  • About the experiences during the process of organizing W’sC
  • I testify: About the experiences of sexual violence in the war - the case of Foča

Women from Foča, Tuzla, and a man from Foča, who lives in the USA, testified via Zoom.

  • Feminist workshop and agreements on joint activities in the coming period - all details of the Women's Court - Foča case (June 26, 2023) were precisely agreed upon.

Online working meetings - held on May 26 and June 3, witnesses, organizers and therapists participated.

Feminist ethics of care - the feminist therapist of the Women's Court, Mira Vilušić from Tuzla/BH, provided continuous support to witnesses and witnesses in the framework of preparations for the Women's Court - Foča case (group and individual work with the witnesses). A dozen meetings were held via Zoom, as well as in Sarajevo on June 8, 2023.

Working with artistic collectives - designing events, making printed materials, logistical preparations, etc.

Communication with the associates of the Women's Court - the case of Foča - during May and June, several working meetings - agreements were held, mostly via Zoom.

Transcript - from the meeting in Tuzla (19 pages).

Belgrade, June 26, Women’s Court: feminist approach to justice – Foča case

Women’s Court - a space for women's testimonies on their experiences of injustice suffered during the war and in peace - instead of objects of injustice and violence, women become subjects of justice.

Women’s Court – feminist approach to justice – makes visible the continuity of injustice and violence against women, both in war and in peace, both in the private and in the public spheres; discloses the intertwining and interconnectedness of all forms of violence (gender-based violence, ethnic violence, socio-economic, militaristic, political, etc.) and its impact on women; makes visible the continuous resistance of women to war, sexism, militarism, nationalism.

Women’s Court - Foča case

During the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina (1992-1995), Foča was a place of systematic sexual violence and rape. Thanks to the courage of women from Foča and from all over BH, the path was paved for women all over the planet in the fight for the punishment of the war crime of rape. Based on Foča case, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia stated that sexual slavery is to be considered a crime against humanity.

Nevertheless, despite this historically significant verdict, some of the sexual crimes against women and men of Foča, unfortunately, have not been disclosed or acknowledged, but have been silenced and forgotten... That is why we want to continue, together with the women and men from Foča, to demand justice for victims of sexual crimes in Foca and beyond.

June 26, 2023. -  Organized by: Women in Black and Autonomous Women’s Center, Belgrade in cooperation with Horizonti, Tuzla, and with support of: Center for women and peace education – Anima, Kotor, Center for women victims of war, Zagreb, CURE Foundation, Sarajevo; artistic-activist collectives: Škart, Dah theater, Miljenko Dereta Space, Belgrade and Art clinic, Novi Sad.

Opening of the Women’s Court – Foča case

Welcoming words: Staša Zajović, Women in Black, Belgrade/Serbia and Šejla Kamerić, artist, Sarajevo/Bosnia and Herzegovina

About the exhibition “We remember the crimes – Foča case”: Dragan Protić Prota, Škart and Goran Lazin, Women in Black, Belgrade/Serbia

We remember the crimes – Foča case


Ilvana Konjo, Foča/Sarajevo

Kemalemir Frašto, Foča/USA

Zenija Hajdarević, Foča/Sarajevo

Halida Konjo Uzunović, Foča/Sarajevo

Women’s Court associates – context analysis of the testimonies

Sonja Biserko, Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, Belgrade

Edina Bećirović, professor of Security Studies, University of Sarajevo

Marijana Senjak, feminist therapist of Women’s Court, Zagreb

Sanja Pavlović, Autonomous Women’s Center, Belgrade and Mina Damnjanović, Women in Black, Belgrade/Berlin

Women’s Court – Foča case – ended with a performance – part of the Dah theater play “Terra” (directed by Jadranka Anđelić), Belgrade

This event was attended by around seventy persons from whole region as well as from European and other countries:

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Sarajevo, Foča, Tuzla, Srebrenica, Zvornik (Đulići, Klisa), Bratunac, 

Montenegro: Kotor, Herceg Novi, Pljevlja,

Croatia: Zagreb, Novska, Pakrac,

Serbia: Beograd, Leskovac, Vlasotince, Kruševac, Kraljevo, Pančevo, Prijepolje, Novi Sad,

Austria: Vienna,

Australia: Brisbane,

Germany: Cologne, 

Switzerland: Geneve.

Publishing activities - we prepared and printed the following materials:

Women's court - feminist approach to justice - brief overview of activities

We remember the crimes! Foča case - map (10 pages)

Transcript of the Women's Court - Foča case (36 pages)


Feminist ethics of care – Active women’s holiday in the women’s house 'Seka' Brač/Croatia from July 29 to August 14. 

Ten (10) women - witnesses, W’sC activists from BH, Croatia and Serbia:

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Enesa Mehmedović, Zarfa Suljić and Suvada Selimović, Đulići/Zvornik.

Croatia: Marica Šeatović, Novska; Jovanka Carević and Milica Miladinović, Zagreb

Serbia: Milka Rosić, Leskovac, Snežana Obrenović, Kraljevo, Svetlana Šarić, Vlasotince and Nadežda Kostić, Kruševac.

Feminist ethic of care and responsibility – visits of WiB activists to female witnesses (W'sC Sarajevo), peace meetings of exchange and cooperation in the region - support for victims:

  • Belgrade, September 28 and 29 - meeting with women from the association of victims of genocide in Srebrenica from Tuzla and Srebrenica, who on September 29. together with WiB activists followed the trial for the crime in Kravica;
  • Vršac/Vojvodina, October 27 - visit to Rosa Jakovljević, witness at W'sC, mother of the murdered soldier (October 5, 2004);
  • Belgrade, December 4 and 5 - meeting with the women of Srebrenica who, together with WiB activists, are following the trial for war crimes before the Special Court for War Crimes;
  • Belgrade, November 23 and 24 - meeting with Mother Mejra Dautović from Bihać (B&H), who testified at the Special Court for War Crimes because of the torture and wartime rape of her daughter Edna Dautović, who was imprisoned together with her brother Edvin in the concentration camp Omarska/B&H;
  • Memorial Center in Potočari/Srebrenica, December 11 - visit, meeting with the women of Srebrenica housed in the Center for the Elderly 'HatidžaMehmedović', opened with the intention that Srebrenica mothers left without relatives will be cared for in their old age. About forty women are accommodated in that center. About thirty women participated in this meeting: in addition to women from Srebrenica (witnesses at W'sC, etc.), WiB activists, women from the association 'Anima' Đulići/B&H also participated;
  • Novi Bečej and Bečej, December 27 - visit to Maria Kovačev, witness at W'sC and Julia Teleka, anti-war activist - participants in the process of organizing W'sC.

Women’s Court – Foča case – this event took place in Belgrade, June 26, 2023 in Miljenko Dereta Space and was organized by: Women in Black and Autonomous Women’s Center, Belgrade in cooperation with feminist groups from B&H, Montenegro, Croatia, associates of Women’s Court, as well as artistic-activist collectives: Škart, Dah Theater, Belgrade and Art Clinic, Novi Sad. This event was attended by seventy (70) persons from whole region, as well as from European and Australia.

Women’s Court – Foča casewas dedicated to sexual crimes, because during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina (1992-1995), Foča was a place of systematic sexual violence and rape.  Based on Foča case, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia stated that sexual slavery is to be considered a crime against humanity.

Nevertheless, despite this historically significant verdict, some of the sexual crimes against women and men of Foča, unfortunately, have not been disclosed or acknowledged, but have been silenced and forgotten...

Women’s Court – Foča case – is the continuation of struggle, together with the women and men from Foča to demand justice for victims of sexual crimes in Foča and beyond.

In Women’s Court – Foča case - the following persons testified: Ilvana Konjo, Zenija Hajdarević, Halida Konjo Uzunović and Kemalemir Frašto, while W'sC associates interpreted the political context based on the testimony.

In this reporting period, and as part of the continuation of the process of the Women's Court - the case of Foča - numerous meetings were held in Belgrade and Sarajevo. In accordance with the feminist code of W'sC, WiB, with the active participation of witnesses, all steps were designed for the moral and emotional legal protection of witnesses:

  • Downloading transcripts of testimony;
  • Work on a documentary film - sorting, classification, selection of shots, etc.
  • Work on the texts of the testimonies - the women witnesses and the witness (online because he lives in the USA), with the support of the organizers, reviewed the texts of their testimonies, made certain changes (i.e., slight shortenings, where the facts are repeated), commented on the footnotes on the transcripts entered by the WiB working group, after which the witnesses authorized the text of the testimony;
  • Legal protection of witnesses - documents on Consent were prepared with the support of relevant legal experts;
  • Psychological support to the female witnesses and the male witness - before, during and after the W'sC Foča case, was continuously provided by W'sC feminist therapist Mira Vilušić;
  • Screening of the working version of the documentary film - the female and male witnesses presented their suggestions, and the professional and artistic team made the documentary film;
  • Editing of the texts of the testimony - after the authorization of the texts by the witnesses, the WiB working group made changes. The final version of all the texts of the testimony was also reviewed by W'sC associate MašaMalešević;
  • W'sC archive - responsibility for the archive was assumed by Women in Black and includes the storage of all documents from the event (video documentation, audio recordings, photo archive, documents on Consent - legal protection of witnesses);
  • Individual testimonies at the Women's Court - Foča case - 190 min.
  • Women's Court - the case of Foča - a documentary film lasting 42 minutes, made by the director Marija Aranđelović (Belgrade), with the artistic consultation of the director Zoran Solomun, Berlin; the film is subtitled in English;
  • Women's Court: The case of Foča - work is underway on the publication, which will be published in early 2024.

(Prepared by: Staša Zajović)

Belgrade, June 2024.

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