Since the beginning Women in Black have always advocated different concepts and practices of security:
• athrough our anti-war efforts,
• requests for responsibility for war and war crimes,
• through campaigns for conscientious objection to military service and objection to milit ary spending.
They built a feminist-antimilitarist security concept through legislative initiatives.
We continue our non-violent action through:
• Educational activities
• Research activities
• Publishing activities
• Street actions
• Legislative initiatives
• Campaigns of solidarity
• Human rights protection
In order to promote our human concept of security and, first of all, to create a feminist-antimilitarist security concept, numerous international and regional conferences, seminars, workshops and lecture were held.
Here are some of them:
International conference, organised by Women in Black in May 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009 and 2010 in Belgrade (in 2003 and 2007 in Niš) on the occasion of two important international dates.
• May, 24 – International Day of Women’s Actions for Peace and Disarmament and
• May, 28 – International day of Actions for Women’s Health and Reproductive Rights.
Four seminars held in 2005 in Serbia.
Women, peace, security – regional conference held every year in October from 2005 to 2010 in Belgrade on the occasion of the anniversary of Resolution 1325.
Apart from this, Women in Black have organised dozens of workshops in various regions of Serbia about the correlation between security issues, reproductive rights, transitional justice, the status of human rights defenders, such as:
WOMEN, SECURITY AND ACTIVISM – REPRESSION OF HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS – Regional conference held in Totovo Selo in May 2007 in Vojvodina.
HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS – International conference in Belgrade on March, 8 2009.
FROM THE TRADITIONAL TO A FEMINIST SECURITY CONCEPT – four regional seminars held in Serbia in 2010, etc.
Research was carried out on the gender dimension of security, on the correlation between gender, justice, peace and security, in order to create theoretic concepts of security based on activist engagement and on women’s everyday experience, such as:
REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS AND SECURITY - Action researches/surveys about reproductive rights in general, and about abortion in particular. The survey was carried out in 2002 in ten towns in Serbia and Montenegro.
“WOMEN, SECURITY, REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS AND TRANSITIONAL JUSTICE” – Research carried out in 2007 in Serbia among politically active women of civil and democratic orientation.
– Research-activist project carried out in 2008, based on a sample of 987 respondents and 55 towns and settlements in Serbia were covered by this research. The research encompassed women of various affiliation: generational, ethnic, educational, and this in accordance with the cross-section of women in Serbia.
MONITORING PROCESS OF THE DRAFTING OF THE NATIONAL ACTION PLAN FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE UN SC RESOLUTION 1325 – The survey research was finished in 2010 on the whole territory of Serbia, under the title ‘Visibility, participativity, democracy and inclusiveness in the drafting of the National Action Plan for the implementation of the UN SC Resolution 1325.’ The survey research showed that this process was neither democratic, nor transparent, nor inclusive.
WOMEN, ECONOMIC MIGRANTS FROM SERBIA IN EU COUNTRIES – The research about women, economic migrants from Serbia in EU countries was conducted in 2010 and encompassed women–economic migrants from Serbia who went alone to EU countries while their families remained in Serbia, as well as women who went to EU countries with their families. The research covered 125 women in total.
ECONOMIC IMMIGRANTS AND ACTIVISTS IN EU COUNTRIES – Pilot survey research (2010) which included Women in Black Network activists in Spain, Italy, Great Britain, and France.